Work with Archangels Michael and Metatron
to see, feel and hear your angels like never before!
Participate in these three spectacular seminars and implement four-minutes of creative, playful homework each day for twelve weeks. Receive fun innovative homework assignments each week, to develop and heighten your clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognizance .
Your angels are living for the opportunity
to communicate with you.
Develop and heighten your clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognizance.
Boost your ability to receive clear information from your higher consciousness, soul and the Creator.
Receiving clear inner guidance from your incorruptible source is more important than ever in these transformational times. This three part series is designed to light up your inner barometer, enhance your innate abilities and support your sovereignty. Elevate your abilities to hear your inner guidance and to sense and know authentic truth.
Do you receive clear direction
from your inner-source of being?
I'm not talking about an inner voice that tells you what to do; I am referring to the voice of truth that each of us has, that offers guidance and insights for us to choose from.
Enhancing your Innate Abilities begins August 2014. This three part New World Seminar Series Tele-class is scheduled for the first Saturday in August, September & October.
The focus of each class is tuning in to inner guidance, learning to trust your inner voice of truth and enhancing discernment.
Each class is a journey to awaken and strengthen your abilities to receive, recognize and trust the inner guidance your higher consciousness and soul and the Creator are longing to offer.
These live classes are to be recorded for
later access and homework.
Now is the time to be the supreme navigator of your life.
Deviating from the graceful paths you are
meant to discover is a distraction.